Executive Woods
Atrium Drive, Suite 280
Albany, NY 12204
518 253-8381

About Pilates

Lynda Capocefalo and client at Absolute Pilates assists a client

Pilates is an exercise method developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. His underlying philosophy was that to achieve good health one must address the whole being – body, mind, and spirit. Core strength is the foundation of the Pilates method. Core muscles include the musculature of the back, abdomen, inner thighs, and buttocks. Pilates involves performing precise, controlled movements while keeping the core muscles stable and engaged.

Pilates conditions the entire body, using positions and movements that simulate functional activities. It emphasizes coordinated movement rather than isolated movements, and teaches correct body alignment and balance. An extensive choreographed repertoire of exercises, from beginner to master level, can be done on each piece of apparatus. Using springs, pulleys, and gravity, the equipment helps the student isolate the core muscles, challenging them in diverse ways. Essentially the same exercises can be performed in mat classes without equipment.

Through the regular and proper use of Pilates, you can:


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