Executive Woods
Atrium Drive, Suite 280
Albany, NY 12204
518 253-8381


Lynda Capocefalo working with a client at her Absolute Pilates Studio in Albany, New York

Here are what some of Absolute Pilates clients are saying:

It was an accident that I "happened" upon Pilates.  However, I was immediately hooked as I received excellent instruction and had a feeling of general euphoria.  Lynda made me do more, reach higher, and breathe more deeply. I began to look forward to attending class and was inspired to work harder. Sessions were both challenging and rewarding, and I soon noticed that I had enhanced my flexibility, strength, and posture.

As an instructor, Lynda is dedicated to her craft and passionate about her teaching.  She has a critical eye and the ability to inspire her students. She is very knowledgeable about her craft and delivers a high level of instruction.

Pilates is now part of my weekly routine, and I love it. I consider my "happening" to be a "gift!"

– Ruth Rankin

"Training with Lynda changed my life; Pilates changed my body."

Pilates is one of the best things I've done for myself in the last ten years.  As a fitness fanatic, I was looking for a way to add to my fitness regime as my thirties waned and my forties loomed.  Pilates has proven to be the perfect complement to my fitness training and everything I do. I had a true defining moment a couple of years ago when I realized that my body had caught up to the Pilates training I had been doing.  My legs transformed, becoming long and lean; my shoulder girdle squared up and now people are convinced I'm taller that 5'3".  And best of all, my abdominals are sectioned and clearly defined.

Training with Lynda Capocefalo has change my life.  While working with another instructor, I would watch and listen to Lynda while she trained clients and I longed for the body her clients had. It took me some time to get used to Lynda's unique style of teaching, and now that I have, I would not forsake her for anyone else in the area. Lynda has given me the confidence to train with the Pilates method and to believe in myself during every class. It is true that my hour-long session of Pilates is the best hour of my week!

At 43, I am healthy, strong, svelte and fit. Pilates gives me the edge to push myself to the limit every time I exercise. I'm thankful to have found Lynda and I am thankful for Pilates.

– Joan Lipscomb

I discovered Pilates seven years ago as a senior citizen.  Training with Lynda, I have achieved remarkable results – I am far stronger, especially in my core and back, which is essential for an active life.  And I rediscovered my waist!

– Janice McCabe

Web site designed by Roger Lipera